Quitting Smoking Hypnosis near Nottingham



quit smoking nottingham hypnosisI am Steven Harold, an experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist and I help people to successfully quit with  stop smoking hypnosis Nottingham.

Would you like to be one of them too?

All it takes is for you to make your decision that you really do want to quit smoking this time.


I have been a smoker myself and know what stopping smoking is like. This is why I use combination of hypnotherapy and your decision together to be an effective stop smoking method. I see many people each week and help them to enjoy healthier, happier and more confident lives because they have given up smoking. I know it might be hard to believe that quitting can make you feel good about yourself and boost your confidence but that is typically what my clients say to me.


Client Feedback
I have been meaning to follow up with you for some time now. I recently passed my 4th anniversary. I have not slipped once.”


Some people keep putting off the decision to stop smoking until after some future event such as a wedding or party. The trouble with this sort of planning is that you may never get around to stopping smoking. Of course many people cease using cigarettes, cigars, pipes or other ways of inhaling tobacco smoke without any help whatsoever. So it just shows that stopping smoking is not only possible, but that you can do it too.


Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking

If you would like extra help to quit smoking then I will be delighted to provide that support. If you have any questions about stop smoking hypnosis Nottingham, just email me. One of the most fulfilling feelings I get is when I know I have helped someone who has previously struggled to achieve their goal to stop smoking. In the words of one client “I feel fantastic!”

Client Feedback
You probably won’t remember me but I gave up smoking with your help over 8 years ago…. thank you from the bottom of my heart, that was the best money I have ever spent!”


Ready?… Stop Smoking Hypnosis Nottingham

Today Before It’s Too Late! Then just email Steven Harold, (near Nottingham) the East Midlands hypnotherapist by clicking here or telephone him on 07481 002213.